

About JAAM

Greetings from the Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine

I have been reappointed President of the Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine, and upon taking office in 2021, I have made it clear that “aging is a disease.” During the next two years, I propose ” spreading the progress of longevity science to society.” While anti-aging medicine has studied the mechanisms of aging and promoted preventive medicine, we also plan to address the treatment of aging. Standard methods and measures of aging will be prepared to improve understanding of longevity and anti-aging and to estimate the economic value of treatments that prevent and restore aging. A good discussion is needed to disseminate advances in longevity science to Society. Anti-aging medicine is a medical science that aims to extend healthy life expectancy and achieve true rejuvenation. Extending healthy life expectancy has focused on improving exercise, nutrition, and mental health (brain, sleep), but since 2015, the environment has also become necessary, and since 2021, treatment has also been discussed; healthy life expectancy is extended, and aging is a disease. The Society will strive to include aging in the basic codes of ICD-12 (plan to be established in 2050). Of course, we will also encourage lifestyle modifications to extend healthy life expectancy. With the establishment of the information theory of aging, the concept of aging has changed dramatically. The mechanisms of aging began to be elucidated, and aging is now explained by the information theory that aging is “due to the loss of transcriptional networks and epigenetic information over time.” The epigenetic clock has enabled the elucidation of the rate of aging and the development of therapies to regulate the rate of aging. The development of AI has made biology more information and algorisms, and we are now in an era in which aging and longevity can be elucidated.

The Society is committed to fostering experts and leaders in anti-aging medicine and promoting correct anti-aging medicine. In the future, however, it is necessary to promote discussion with the public on whether it is appropriate to treat aging as a disease or to stay young in Japan’s super-aging Society. Education is also becoming increasingly important, and discussions must be based on social common sense and ethical standards. In the future, we would like to send a message to the world at the Osaka Pavilion of the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo “Let’s think of calendar age in terms of biological age” and encourage young people to think about Society in 2050. We would like to actively engage in dialogue with Society, including on socioeconomic issues.

Postscript Finally, we aim to reach 10,000 members. I appreciate your cooperation.

8. July 2023
Hidekazu Yamada M.D. & Ph.D.
The President of the Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine

1.About Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine(JAAM)

The Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine (JAAM) initially founded as the Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine Japan with 20 doctors in 2001. It was then reorganized as JAAM in April 2003, and incorporated as a limited liability intermediate corporation in July 2006.
With a membership of more than 8,200 individuals covering a wide and diverse range of basic research and clinical specialties, JAAM has grown into one of the largest academic societies dedicated to the advancement of Anti-Aging Medicine in Japan.

Anti-Aging Medicine deals with the biological process of aging. It aims to prevent diseases, including lifestyle-related diseases; to control factors that promote the occurrence of disease, including stress, fatigue, and immunological deterioration; and to promote and prolong a healthy life span. Insights yielded in this field are also helpful in scientifically elucidating phenomena occurring in biological processes throughout life, from birth to death.

From the genetic and cellular level to the individual level of animals and humans, Anti-Aging Medicine covers diverse fields of medical science, including biochemistry, physiology, and clinical medicine, and takes a multidisciplinary approach involving chemistry, physics, agriculture, pharmacy and others.
Research results are utilized in the practice of Anti-Aging Medicine, which is supported by replacement herapy based on nutrition and endocrinology, and lifestyle improvement, including physical exercise and rest.

The clinical practice of Anti-Aging Medicine can be approved only when it is validated on the basis of scientific evidence. In this context JAAM pursues the practice of Anti-Aging Medicine that is scientifically evidence-based.

2. Mission

The mission of JAAM is three-fold: to advance Anti-Aging Medicine, a basic element of healthcare in the 21st century, to accumulate and analyze aging- and anti-aging-related data, and to appropriately approve practice on the basis of scientific evidence, thereby promoting the practice of Anti-Aging Medicine.
Through the advancement of Anti-Aging Medicine, JAAM helps contribute to improving the well-being of people everywhere.

3. Establishment

In 2001, the year when the Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine Japan was established, the coming of the aging society was already foreseen, with fewer children and marked increases in medical costs for the elderly. The universal healthcare system of Japan was expected to come under pressure, with many anticipating a change in policy and direction. In theses circumstances and amid the advance in research into aging and related phenomena, the Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine Japan was founded by physicians and researchers to make active use of Anti-Aging Medicine, in both basic and clinical medicine, and encourage prevention of the pathological processes of aging, thereby improving quality of life.

Anti-Aging Medicine contributes to promoting and prolonging a healthy life span, reducing increases in medical expenses for the elderly, extending productive age, and securing an adequate workforce, all of which should be part of a national strategy.
Reorganized as the Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine (JAAM) in April 2003,
we continue to dedicate our best efforts to the accumulation of precise data, dissemination of accurate information, and the establishment of Anti-Aging Medicine as an evidence- and fact-based discipline which is approved and accepted by the medical community and society as a whole.

4. Research of Anti-Aging Medicine

・Insights yielded in this field are also helpful in scientifically elucidating phenomena occurring in biological processes throughout life, from birth to death.

・Anti-Aging Medicine deals with the biological process of aging.
 It aims to prevent diseases, including lifestyle-related diseases; to control factors that promote the occurrence of disease, including stress, fatigue, and immunological deterioration and to promote and prolong a healthy life span.

・From the genetic and cellular level to the individual level of animals and humans, Anti-Aging Medicine covers diverse fields of medical science, including biochemistry, physiology, and clinical medicine, and takes a multidisciplinary approach involving chemistry, physics, agriculture, pharmacy and others.

・Research results are utilized in the practice of Anti-Aging Medicine, which is supported by replacement therapy based on nutrition and endocrinology, and lifestyle improvement, including physical exercise and rest.

5. Subcommittees

Anti-Aging Medicine of Ophthalmology
Anti-Aging Medicine of Dental Medicine
Appearance for Skin and Beauty
Anti-Aging Hormone
Anti-Aging Medicine of Urology
Anti-Aging for Women’s Health
Anti- Aging Medicine of CVD
Anti- Aging Medicine of locomotorium

6. Progress and future of Anti-Aging Medicine

・How to activate GDF-11.
・Genomic Medicine
・Solve physical and mental problems that are factors preventing elderly people from participating in society.
・Reduce medical expenses